Award News
Wetnose Animal Aid Annual Awards for ‘Stars’ In Animal Rescue
3rd March 2010
Paws Animal Sanctuary were invited to the House of Lords by the Right Honourable Lord Hoyle on Wednesday 3rd March 2010, there was a glorious array of Stars, but none shone brighter than those who were to receive the prestigious Wetnose Animal Awards. Fourteen animal rescue groups were to be honoured for their devotion and tireless effort in rescuing and protecting animal species by Wetnose Animal Aid with the assistance of a dazzling line up of celebrities. Three RAF service dogs with their 5 handlers were to receive a special award for bravery.
Wetnose Animal Aid International (the animal alternative to Red Nose) was launched 10 years ago by Andrea and Gavin Gamby-Boulger. Having run their own boarding and rescue centre for 12 years, they are well aware of the stresses and strains of trying to help and protect animals in need, and in their own words: ‘Some rescue work, especially abroad, is the most harrowing work imaginable and can be very upsetting and emotional. These caring people, who often put their own lives at risk, deserve more support and recognition’.
The financial recession of 2008/2009 has hit the smaller animal rescue organisations hard. Donations have suffered a deep decline and there has been an increase of cruelty cases and strays. These groups struggle to keep going and it is only with the help of their supporters that they can continue their work in animal rescue.
Wendy Turner did an exceptional job in hosting the award ceremony and as did Ingrid Tarrant who was there to present an award and interview the guests as they arrived.
Listed below are the 2010 Wetnose Animal Aid Award Winners and presenters of the individual awards:
Safe Haven for Donkeys in Israel award presented by Right Honourable MP, Anne Widdicombe to Lucy Fensu.
Paws Rescue Animal Sanctuary (Findon, Sussex) award presented by Roger Mugford to Stacey McSpirit and Sheila Steere who have been rescuing animals for 30 years.
Animals at Risk, Luton award presented by Lorraine Chase to Maggie and Peter Morrison
Willows Animal Sanctuary award presented by Russell Floyd and Gary Webster to Kate Robinson
Tower Hill Stables Animal Sanctuary award presented by Nicola Duffett to Fiona Oakes, who is a keen runner covering 100 miles a week and has also, entered the London Marathon.
Animals in Need (animal casualties, domestic and wildlife) Northampton awarded presented by Lester Middlehurst to Roy Marriot.
Dartmoor Pony Training Centre ‘Best Training Workshop’ award presented by Nick Altman to Natalie Torr.
Farm Animal Sanctuary, Worcester the award was to be presented by Joanna Lumley who was unable to be there. However Susan Jameson stepped in to present the award to Jan Taylor.
Pussycat Lodge in Brentwood award presented by Gary Webster and Ingrid Tarrant to Jacqui Duly
Home and Away Animal Welfare ( Sri Lanka) award presented by Sylvia Tidy-Harris to Janice Down
Borneo Orangutans Survival welfare achievement award presented by Nick Knowles to Grainne McEntee
Elephants for Africa conservation achievement awarded presented by Caroline Langrishe to Nick Knowles on behalf of Dr Kate Evans
Animal Kingdom in Philippines (who are responsible for stopping illegal slaughter of dogs over there) award presented by Clarissa Baldwin CEO of the Dogs Trust to Charles Wartenburg.
The Horse Refuge Sanctuary Tenterden, Kent (home to Europe’s tallest Shire Duke) The award presented by Jenny Seagrove to Sara Tuppen
RAF service dogs, Billie, the Springer spaniel working in arms and explosives and recently returned from Iraq, Kubo the German shepherd who originated from the Czech republic working as a police dog, Duke spaniel X working in vehicle search and their 5 proud handlers received the Special Awards for bravery, Presented by Air Marshal The Lord Craig of Radley OBE.
At the close of the ceremony London Dog Forum had the pleasure of meeting gorgeous Max, a Gordon setter belonging to DJ David Hamilton, a long time supporter of Wetnose Animal Aid.
Finally a big thank you must go to Gavin and Andrea Gamby-Boulger, the founders of Wetnose International Animal Aid, who had the foresight to recognise the need for supporting these animal rescue groups and to give them the recognition they deserve.

18th March 2010

PAWS won the award for Charity of the Year at the 2010 Splash Awards .
From top local businesses to special individuals, from sports teams to brilliant charities – Worthing has it all. Only the second annual Splash FM Awards ceremony held at the iconic Dome Cinema. All through January and February, nominations flew in thick and fast, and a team of judges worked hard to sift through them all, before deciding on the winners.
The Splash Awards were hosted by Stuart Duggan and Anna B, from Splash FM, and honoured all kinds of people in 15 different categories.
The Charity of the Year will have demonstrated success during the last 12 months in achieving their chosen objectives, and our judges looked closely at how they have had a positive impact on the people and community they serve. Fundraising activities and the team behind the Charity were key considerations.
The award was given to Paws by Saywell International, Stacey was accompanied onto the stage with many of the dedicated Paws volunteers.

For more information go to
18th March 2010

PAWS won the award for Charity of the Year at the 2010 Splash Awards .
From top local businesses to special individuals, from sports teams to brilliant charities – Worthing has it all. Only the second annual Splash FM Awards ceremony held at the iconic Dome Cinema. All through January and February, nominations flew in thick and fast, and a team of judges worked hard to sift through them all, before deciding on the winners.
The Splash Awards were hosted by Stuart Duggan and Anna B, from Splash FM, and honoured all kinds of people in 15 different categories.
The Charity of the Year will have demonstrated success during the last 12 months in achieving their chosen objectives, and our judges looked closely at how they have had a positive impact on the people and community they serve. Fundraising activities and the team behind the Charity were key considerations.
The award was given to Paws by Saywell International, Stacey was accompanied onto the stage with many of the dedicated Paws volunteers.

For more information go to